Saturday, May 31, 2008


So Taegen and I were in the kitchen two days ago while I was cooking dinner, and all of a sudden he started to cry. I pretty much ignored him since I didn't here any loud noises or see anything happen. Well.... I was wrong!! Thats right, his toe started bleeding and turned black immediately. The poor thing has been limping and hasn't worn a shoe for 2 days now, and I still don't know how it happened.


Hayley said...

Oh poor kid! That looks terrible, but I do love a close up of those perfectly chubby feet!

I need you to color my hair....

You need to move back.

Sublime Fencing said...
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Rich and Tyra said...

Ouch is right! That looks quite painful. At least you didn't do it to him. When Misha was a little over a year old I accidently slammed her foot in the sliding van door. She ended up losing her big toenail. I was crying worse than her I think cuz I felt so bad... :(

Amber said...

oh sad... It looks like it hurts so much. I hope he gets his toe back soon. How are you guys?

Ashley Mae McKnight said...

AWW! how sad, the poor little guy. I bet that would be frustrating to not know how the crap it happened!! I hope he gets feeling better!!