Monday, August 25, 2008

So If you didn't know Jared has a new calling in our ward, he is now the 2nd councelor in the Young Mens. That being said he is trying to get to know some of the kids in his class. He is over the Deacons and has two kids in his class, Basir and Bashir, twins if you coudn't have guessed. They are on the left of the picture. On the right is Daryl, their 16 year old brother. We decided to have them over for dinner on Sunday, it was great getting to talk with them and getting to know them better.

After dinner we were hanging around and Taegen was playing at the top of our stairs leading to the basement. Now for those of you who live in Philly these stairs probably look familiar and normal, for those of you who don't, they probably look like there in a house that is vacant or a shack in the woods. Just as I was starting to think that it was probably not a good idea that T was playing there and I was actually on my way over he somehow fell and rolled all the way down the stairs!!!! On normal carpeted stairs this is not as big of a deal, but on stairs that look like this it was pretty scary. We were lucky he didn't drop off the side on his way down since there is no railing. He stopped on the landing crying and Jared was there in a flash to get him. He was crying pretty hard but other than a couple of visible bruises on his face and probably a couple that can not see he is ok. I was probably shaking for 30 minutes I was so scared. But all is good.


Hayley said...

Poor Taegen! I'm glad he is okay, and I can totally see Jared in that calling. Are you coming to visit any time soon?

Rich and Tyra said...

I am glad he is okay. I remember Saige falling down the stairs when she was about that age at Rich's parents house. It is the scariest feeling cuz you know what is happening and you also know there is no way of getting there fast enough to help them...At least the stairs she fell down were carpeted. He is lucky to not have gotten hurt worse on those stairs!

emily said...

My goodness that is scary! When Tadhg (my 3rd) was 8 months old he fell down the our carpeted stairs and broke his arm!! He had to be life flighted to Atlanta! It was scary! I am SO glad your little man is OK!

mandy said...

I bet that was just what Jared needed something more to do. He will be great at it though. Taegen gets cuter everyday I think. It is the worst sound in the world hearing your kids fall down the stairs. I am glad he is okay though