Monday, August 4, 2008


I got tagged!!! I have never done this before and I think the only reason Kristen picked me is because I have been so bad at updating my blog. So anyway here goes...

3 Joys

- My family
- Hearing my son laugh
- When Jared has time off

3 Fears

- Termites ( only since I moved to Philly)
- That Taegen will get hurt, I always have thoughts or dreams of bad things that could possibly
happen or might go wrong.
- That we will be debt our whole lives!!!!!!

3 Goals

- Seriously, to have more patients (Taegen has hit his terrible two's and is definately testing me)
- To be a more positive person
- To start working with Taegen more with reading, shapes, colors, ect.- I have been pretty lax
on trying to teach him things and I want to be better.

3 Current Obsessions

- Getting my kitchen and bath remodeled
- I have a major obsession with muddy buddies... so yummy!
- Desperate Housewifes season 3.

3 Random Facts About Myself

- I am pretty handy with tools, I am in the middle of building some shelves.
- My friend and I got in a fight with 2 ladies at the pool today, and it got pretty heated! (we won)
- I always squat on public toilets, I will never sit down even if there is a protective cover, I hate
public toilets!!!

And now I get to tag three people of my choice, so here goes.
1. Chaci Fisher
2. Amber Pollie
3. Mandi Gibbons


Kristen said...

Thanks for playing. You've got me curious...fight at the pool? This topic sound worthy to post about. We want details. lol

Melanie said...

Hi Heather! I saw Scott Johnstun the other day and he gave me your blog address. Teagen is super super cute. Looks like things are going well in Phili. We are moving to NYC this week so we'll only be 1.5 hours away. We should get together, as my husband and don't know a soul in NY and have a darling 3 month old little girl.

Hayley said...

I want to hear about the pool fight too! You are little, but you are scrappy...

I miss you. Really I do. And I need a haircut.

come back.

Kristen said... the way, when you get a minute, you'll have to go to and enter the free give away. Anyone can enter, so tell your friends. It's going to be a super fun prize.
Lotsa Love!